7 Ways to Have A Super Safe & Fun Halloween

Posted by Superberries Team on 10/11/2019 to Health Tips
Halloween Tips from Superberries

It's October or Halloween Month as we call it here at Superberries.  Because the popularity of this holiday is growing, we want you to make sure it is super fun and safe.  We've put together a few tips for you on how to enjoy this fun family holiday and stay safe in the process.  And don't forget to order your Superberries Aroniaberrry Gummy Chews to keep your energy up and to give all the little ghouls and goblins that show up at your door.  Our gummies are the better-for-you treat made from our top antioxidant, the Aroniaberry.

1.  Shop Early for Costumes - Get kids to decide what they want to be early in the month so you don’t get caught up in that last-minute rush to get a costume.  Consider making some elements of the costume with your kids for a fun craft project to do together.  Get inspiration on our Pinterest Board, Berry Great Costumes

2.  Consider Safety When Purchasing Costumes – Make sure that the costumes and all elements of the costumes are fire resistant and that masks don’t obstruct vision.  As an alternative to a mask, consider face painting.  We have pinned some Berry Fun Face Painting ideas.  

3.  Make Them Glow – Put reflective tape on costumes and jackets so kids are visible if out trick or treating after dark.  Also consider glow sticks and a flashlight to carry while making the trick or treat rounds.

4.  Trick or Treat Safely – An adult should go trick or treating with young kids.   Encourage older kids to go with a group of friends.  Ask them where they are going and plan on a time they should be home.  Emphasize stranger danger and that it is not acceptable to go into anyone’s home to get a treat or get into anyone’s car. Also, remind kids not to eat Halloween candy until they get home so parents can check it.

5.   Wear Comfy Shoes – Although it is tempting to wear princess shoes, make sure footwear is practical and does not cause tripping on the trick or treat route.

6.  Host an After Halloween Party - Let the kids trick or treat from 5 to 7 p.m. then have them return home for a fun party with their friends.  They can do a candy exchange swapping candy with their friends for more variety or more of their favorites.  Serve fun, healthy Halloween snacks and we love this idea of a glowing drink station from Sandy Toes & Popsicles. Get more ideas from our Pinterest Board, Berry Great Holidays.

7.  Put Treats Away For Later - You may feel like the meanest parent on the block, but your kids will love you later.  Let your kids pick out five of their favorite candies and then put the rest away.  Dole out a few pieces every day as an afterschool snack that they can look forward to. Consider pairing with Superberries Aroniaberry Chews for a healthier option for after school snacks.  Superberries Aroniaberry Gummies are made from Organic Aroniaberry Concentrate and deliver top antioxidants in every bite.