Earth Week is here. It’s time to celebrate the Earth and to figure out how to do our parts to make it a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable place for ourselves and those who come after us. Taking care of the Earth often leads us to better habits for our own health and well-being. Here are 7 super ways to love the earth and yourself at the same time.
1. Buy Reusable & Refillable
When you buy a reusable metal travel cup or a refillable water bottle, you cut
down on waste in the landfill and protect the health of the soil, groundwater,
and yourself. Paper cups from coffee shops usually have a thin plastic coating
inside them which make them not recyclable in most places and hot beverages cause
microplastics to leech into the body. Plastics contain harmful chemicals that
can affect the body in different ways. Using metal or glass water bottles and
coffee cups is a safer alternative for you and the earth.
2. Unplug.
Not only should you unplug from your screens more, but it
is also a good idea to unplug appliances when you are not using them. Although
turning them off is better than leaving them in sleep mode, they are still
using electricity while they are not in use. Unplugging everything from lamps
to the toaster when they are not in use will save electricity and lower your
electric bill.
3. Use Alternative Transportation
Using alternate transportation is an important way you can
help the earth. Not everyone can buy an electric car, but choosing public
transportation, biking, or walking when you can will help decrease the
greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change.
4. Compost
Compost whatever you can. Organic waste in landfills
generates methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Sending yard waste and kitchen
waste with the trash contributes to climate change. If you are able, composting
your kitchen scraps and yard waste is a good way to significantly reduce
methane production. There are many ways to do that depending on the types of
waste your household generates and the land you have. In addition to helping to
reduce greenhouse gas, you will be improving the soil quality for all the
plants you want to grow.
5. Go Paperless.
One simple way to reduce waste and mess in your own home is
to sign up for electronic billing. It saves paper and the electronic bills are
much tidier filed in the cloud or on your computer rather than on your kitchen
6. Eliminate Plastic Waste.
The production and recycling of plastic uses a lot of
energy and pollutes the environment with chemicals. Easy ways to begin reducing
your plastic consumption are bringing reusable cloth bags with you when you
shop, using detergent powder or sheets rather than liquid washing soap, use
reusable dishes and cutlery rather than plastic, and buy in bulk rather than
buying individually packaged items. Though it takes some getting used to,
eventually you’ll find more and more ways to use less plastic.
7. Eat Local and Organic.
Eat local and organic produce as much as possible to help
reduce pollution from transportation and agricultural chemicals. Superberries
Aronia berry products are not only good for your body, but they are also good
for the earth. The Frozen Aroniaberries are grown locally in Nebraska and Iowa by
farmers using organic practices. The Aronia berry Concentrate is organic and
Non-GMO. The Aronia berry Gummy Chews are made with wholesome ingredients and
organic sweeteners. Adding Superberries products to your diet is an excellent
way to show yourself and the earth some love.