After the year we’ve had, everyone is ready for the nice weather ahead. Maybe you look forward to socializing more with friends and family, exercising outdoors, or just getting out of the house for a bit. No matter what you do outside, however, it is important to protect your skin from the sun. Though we don’t like to hear it, even a little bit of tan is actually skin damage to the top layer of our skin, so taking precautions is necessary. Here are 7 ways to prepare yourself for fun in the sun this year.
1. Wear Sunscreen – Correctly
Everyone knows that we’re
supposed to wear sunscreen, but most people who wear it, don’t apply it properly. The
recommended amount is one ounce to cover all the exposed parts of an adult body.
That’s about the amount in one adult handful or in a standard shot glass. When
you’re in the sun, you should apply it every two hours, and if you take a break
from the sun, apply it again before you go back outside. Choosing a higher
number SPF is better, too. Dermatologists recommend you choose a broad-spectrum
sunscreen (blocks both UVA and UVB rays) that is 30 SPF or higher and water-resistant, which means it lasts for about 40 minutes of sweating or water
exposure. “Waterproof” sunscreen lasts about 80 minutes, so make sure to
reapply more frequently when you’re in the water.
2. Apply Protective Lip Balm
Most people don’t put
sunscreen on their lips, but lips can burn and develop skin cancer, so it’s
important to protect them. Many brands make moisturizing lip balms with SPF 15
or higher, so it’s easy to protect your lips all year. Some even make tinted
varieties to add a pop of color to your lips.
3. Buy a Hat
Not only does a good summer hat make a
fashion statement, but it protects your face and your scalp from summer rays.
It is easy to think your hair will protect your scalp and ears, but it is not 100%
effective. A sunburned scalp is definitely something you want to avoid.
4. Choose Protective Clothing
Though it might seem
strange, wearing long sleeves and pants, dark colors, and thicker fabrics in
the sun will protect you more than even sunscreen. If you have to be out
working in the sun, being a little hot is worth the protection.
5. Avoid Direct Sunlight
Avoid direct sunlight in the peak hours of 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. During that time, the sun’s rays are the strongest and you’re more likely
to burn. If you have to be outside then, make sure to take other precautions to
protect your skin, even on cloudy days. Clouds do block some ultraviolet rays,
but it is still possible to sustain a sunburn when you can’t see the sun.
6. Be Prepared and Be Vigilant
Stocking up on sunscreen and
protective clothing now, before summer arrives, will ensure you have what you
need to keep you and your family safe this summer. Keep sunscreen in your car.
Not only should we be wearing it when we’re driving, since the windows do
little to protect our skin, but it’s nice to have it on hand for an impromptu
walk in the park or visit to the lake. Invest in umbrellas for outdoor areas so
you can enjoy beautiful days without worrying about damage to your skin.
Make a habit of applying sunscreen every time you go outside, not just when you
plan to be out a long time.
7. Protect your Skin from Within
UV exposure depletes the
antioxidants in your epidermis, the outer layer of your skin. Making sure to
eat a diet full of antioxidants and minerals that help protect and repair skin
is another way you can ward off damage since no sunscreen can protect you 100%.
Aronia berries are one excellent source of antioxidants, Vitamin C, and
manganese, which support skin repair.
With so much uncertainty these days, it’s refreshing to
know that we have the power to protect ourselves and our families from painful
sunburns and potential skin cancers later in life. We have more knowledge than
ever and an abundance of choices in sunscreens, moisturizers, and lip balms.
Help ensure this summer is one everyone can enjoy by applying a little bit of
prevention and serving foods rich in antioxidants. Include Superberries Frozen
Aroniaberries and Aroniaberry Concentrate as essential ingredients in your refreshing
summer drinks and delicious treats. Your friends and family will thank you.