February is National Heart Health Month and what better way to love your heart than adding Superberries Aronia Berries to a well-balanced diet. As stated in earlier blogs, a diet rich in fruits, nuts, and berries such as the Aronia Berry may boost circulation and enhance cardiovascular health. There are many indications in several promising studies that adding berries, in particular, Aronia Berries, to the diet, may support your cardiovascular system.
In the Journal of American Nutrition, a study in healthy men revealed that the men that consumed Aronia berry (poly)phenols had improved endothelial (blood vessel) function and gut bacteria, indicating that regular Aronia Consumption has the potential to maintain cardiovascular health in individuals.
A research review published in June of 2019, in Phytotherapy Research, supports earlier research that eating Aroniaberries supports heart health benefits. According to the research, the daily consumption of Aroniaberries can significantly improve cholesterol levels.
A promising study (http://www.atherosclerosis-journal.com/article/S0021-9150(07)00029-9/abstract)
at the University of Warsaw in Poland found that the flavonoids in chokeberry
(Aronia Berry) extract actually reduced the severity of inflammation in cardio
patients and reduced blood pressure levels significantly. At the conclusion of
the study, the researchers decided that Aronia Berries and Aronia Berry
concentrate may be used in conjunction with statins as a secondary source of prevention
for the further effects of heart disease.
Additional studies performed thereafter have come to the
same conclusions on the Aronia Berry and its potential effects regarding heart
health and wellness. Another study completed by the Department of Food Chemistry
and Institute of Nutritional Science at the University of Potsdam in Germany
found that a steady diet of Aronia Berry extracts and Aronia Berries may
positively reduce several risk factors leading to cardiovascular disease. The
research showed the phenolics in the chokeberry may actually contribute to the
protection and even the restoration of endothelium cells, the cells lining the
blood vessels and the heart, as well as additional organs throughout the body.
The study (https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/html/10.1055/s-0028-1088306)
also found that men with mildly high cholesterol levels who drank 8 oz. of
chokeberry juice for a total of six weeks saw a decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol
and triglyceride levels, while HDL (good) cholesterol levels were raised. Additionally,
the study found a similar effect on blood pressure, noting that there was a decrease in both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in subjects
consuming the Aronia Berry extracts.
The study from the University of Potsdam concluded that the
chokeberry is one of the best fruit resources of “highly interesting”
phytochemicals (biologically active compounds in plants) such as cyanidins and
anthocyanins. The researchers stated that the antioxidant levels of phenols in
the chokeberry may have a wide range of potential “medicinal and therapeutic”
benefits. However, the researchers also indicated that further studies were
still needed to ascertain the full potential of health and wellness benefits
regarding the Aronia effect on the circulatory system.
While future studies and results are yet to be conducted, the information coming from the scientific community regarding the Aronia Berry is very encouraging. So, in essence, be your heart’s valentine this year and treat your cardiovascular system to a combination of exercise, weight loss and a well-balanced nutritious diet supplemented by Superberries Aronia Berries. Feel the “power of purple”.
This blog provides general information and discussion about the aroniaberry, health research and related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed physician or other health care worker. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor immediately.